QUIZZES are back ! Pam Pyatt’s quiz in the Village Hall made £110 from ticket money and £83 from the raffle on 3 July. Seven teams took part on a socially distanced basis with masks worn by those leaving their tables. Noise levels rose as villagers greeted old friends after a year and a half of coronavirus restrictions. The proceeds are going to the Village Hall.
Fishlake Playing Field Association is planning a questionnaire to ask residents’ views on the future use of the field so they can seek grants.
Fishlake 100 Club has drawn its winners until August 2021: May’s were 1) Peter Pridham, 2) Brenda Grafton and 3) Julie Latto, June’s 1) Molly Gilberthorpe,2) Pat Sheppard, 3) Eve Atherfold, July’s 1) John Thomas Duckitt,2) Mick Silvester, 3) Rowland Sheppard and August’s are: 1) Seth Gallagher, 2) Judith Parish and 3) Di Wood.
Fishlake Ladies’ Group is having its first post-Covid meeting on 5 August at 7 pm in the Village Hall. Everyone is welcome for a chat, tasty nibbles and a glass of wine or juice.
Watching a family of swans this spring has shown me how quickly the cygnets grow.
20 of the village’s flood wardens met for a training session in the Hare and Hounds on Monday evening. The other six will receive theirs later.
Sandra Liddle and Peter Trimingham, guardians of the two defibrillators, are currently renewing the pads (as they are required to do).